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those are beautiful! :D

Ms J

Hi Amy! How lucky is H?! Those mocachinnos look fantastic, as does the entire breakfast. I'm making (almost) roast lamb tonight for D; our local supa has expanded it's lamb cuts section thank goodness.


Happy Valentine's Day :) And thanks for the recipe!


Great idea, Amy!


P.S. Aiko made me a cheesecake with strawberry jam topping.

Frances Fung

Wondering if you can give me some tips how to take those beautiful pictures of yours. What kind of setting do you have for your camera? Do you usually have it autofocus? Or do you adjust the settings manually? I really like your high clarity, high sharpness, high contrast and high resolution pictures. And I just want to learn from you how you do it. Thanks.


Thanks all, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Mrs J, Sounds delicious. One of my local supermarkets has decreased its lamb offerings, another stopped selling it completely. Wish I could trade neighborhoods!

Frances, I just have a regular digital camera, almost always set to autofocus. It's a Pentax Optio W30, and I know Pentax is not terribly popular but I think they make the best cameras an amateur can buy.

These particular pictures turned out nicely because they were taken outside in the morning sunlight.

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